18 setembro 2009

Delicious   August 2009 Joomla Template
BonusThemes Joomla! Premium Template
Template Name: Delicious | Live Demo | More Info | For Joomla 1.5.x

BonusThemes presents a Delicious Joomla! template. Delicious has a design far from the ordinary and styling ready to steal your guests’ look. It can easily work as an e-commerce template or a presentation website for content that relates to joyful and relaxing thoughts, products or services.
It features a 3 column layout, plenty of module positions, a menu with built-in support for VirtueMart 1.1 and a native or blog styled date tag for articles.

Short overview of the Delicious features and technologies:
* Joomla! 1.5 native
* VirtueMart 1.1 capable menus
* SEOCP capable (search engine optimized content positioning)
* CMenu enabled
* com_nb compatible
* Collapsible module technology
* 23 module positions
* 5 auxiliary module positions
* Adjustable settings from the Template Manager
* Adjustable position widths from the Template Manager
* Valid CSS and W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional
* PNG fix ready for IE6
* Very lightweight and really fast loading
* Clean, Simple and Stylish look


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Faça rentável seu site!

download.png (400×150)
Ainda estamos aguardando o link: assim que tivermos colocaremos!!!

Se algum o tiver nos passe com urgencia! muita gente pedindo!

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