30 outubro 2009

NEW! Functionalities added in version 1.3

JobsPortal v1.3 NULLED Script Portal de Emprego

1. Statistics for the employer (employer can see how many times his ad has been consulted, as well as more detailed report including the date, ip, username of the user consulted the ad)
2. PayPal, 2checkout, cheques and bank wire transfers supported for accepting payments by the employers for posting job ads
3. ZIP based search functionality (for searching for jobs located not far as selected distance from the jobseeker ZIP)
4. Statistics for the jobseeker (in order to see how many times his profile has been consulted) 5. Many new features added for the administrators, please check out our demos for details
6. Employers can upload their logo (visible on their ads)
7. Jobseekers can add a photo to their profile 8. Improved jobseeker profile, added date of birth, job preferences, nationality and other fields
9. "Send to a friend" functionality for the job offers
10. Simple/Advanced search (in previous versions there was just Simple search)
11. Better control for the administrator over the ads expiration
12. Employers see their expired ads on a special page , they can choose to renew them (if they do so, they are charged for this in a similar way as when posting a new ad - one credit from their package)
13. Featured jobs (administrator can select featured job which are shown then on the home page)
14. Newsletter, Photo Albums, Links management functionalities
15. Improved news functionality

more info


Login as administrator:

user: administrator

pwd: abc123
i guess i was doing something wrong

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